Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What Does the Resurrection Mean to Me?

What does the Resurrection mean to me? What difference does it make? This was a question posed to the congregation at my church on Easter Sunday morning. We were given the opportunity to share a brief sentence telling what impact the resurrection of Jesus has made in our lives. After sharing, each person placed a flower at the foot of the cross as a symbol of the life that we have because Jesus died and rose again.

Here are a few of the things that were shared, paraphrased as best I can remember them.

  • Because of what Jesus did, I have a promise of eternity with Him.
  • Jesus’ sacrifice showed His great love for us. We should in turn, pass that love on to others by serving them in any way we can.
  • Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, I don’t have to live a life bound by old habits and bondage.
Many other things were shared, but I must say that I was most deeply touched by the words of my seven-year-old daughter. Three days earlier, her foster mother had passed away. We have maintained relationship with her foster family over the years, so Rachel was grappling with the death of a special person in her life.

She went to the front and picked up a flower. She turned to the congregation and said, “I am sad that my foster mother died, but I am happy that I will see her again in heaven.”

Such simple words. Such simple faith. Yet it is a profound insight into how we can face the difficulties of this life because of the power of the resurrection. Rachel didn't deny the sadness. but she looked past it to the hope she has in Jesus.

Face it. Life is sometimes downright tough. Things are not all sunshine and roses. We all know that. But for we who have placed our trust in Jesus, the difficulties are just a small piece of the puzzle that is life.

The resurrection gives us an eternal perspective. It lifts our spirits out of the mud and mire of circumstances through which we must sometimes pass. It enables us to look ahead…to look up.

When we do, we find light piercing through the darkness. Hope welling up in the midst of grief. Peace bringing calm when everything around us is in turmoil. We find life in the midst of death. We find the Resurrected Christ alive and well, and pouring out His resurrection power into the places that desperately need His touch.

What does the Resurrection mean to you? What difference has it made in your own life? Where do you need a touch from the Resurrected Christ in your own life today? Why not share it in a comment below?

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