Thursday, December 4, 2014

A Million, Million Doors

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I enjoy listening to the music on the Christian radio station in my car. Once in a while, a particular song, or even a line in a song, speaks volumes to me.

One such song is entitled "With Every Act of Love" by Jason Gray. This is the part of the song that particularly resounded in my own heart.
"God put a million, million doors in the world
For his love to walk through
One of those doors is you."

The verses in the song describe two different scenarios where someone is hurting in some way, and someone else reaches out with God's love and brings hope..."as heaven touches earth".

As we move into the Advent season, we remember how God Himself walked into this world to bring His love to us. Jesus was born, lived, died, and rose again so we could know God's love. He has placed us, His children, in this world to extend the love we have received to others. 

Yes, it is true.
God put a million, million doors in the world
For his love to walk through
One of those doors is you.
The question is this. Is the door of my heart open?  Is yours?

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